Hey Annie,
Looks like we made it through the first day of our only-talk-through-the-blog-silent-protest-of-nothing. So, I thought I might take this opportunity to tell you about my day instead of calling you.
1. I found out I'm working Saturday during the day so I don't think I can go rally voters in Indianapolis with you. I cursed under my breath when I saw the schedule.
2. I've been thinking about the Hamburglar costume and I don't know...where am I going to find that hat? Plus he has burgers on his tie. Where am I going to find that? And the red hair... I'll probably do something easier like a sexy turtle. Unless you have any second thoughts about matching Austin Powerses.
3. There was a major bar fight at work tonight. One dude was there for about 6 hours drinking and chatting with a few different people including this other dude who came in a few hours after him. Next thing we know, it's 9:30 and both of these guys are stumbling over to the door and one grabs the other by the throat, drags him outside, and they both start beating each other in the street. I was totally traumatized. I've never seen anything like that...even through my 4 years of observing monthly cafeteria fights at OPRF.
4. Speaking of violence, Zoe really wants to go to the Murder Mansion tomorrow so I think I might take her in the evening. I hope I don't freak out. She also wants to go to
http://www.chicagobrauhaus.com/ which looks pretty good. Whatchu think?
5. I was watching Sunday eat tuna today and then I LOL'd remembering the cat poop conversation last night. And then Sunday looked at me.
6. As I've written this, I've figured out that we should just do this instead of blogging. This is what we do best. And it's proven to be semi-interesting to other people (Ben Cleary, you, Ben Cleary, me) should we ever decide to go public. Perhaps we should change the headline to "wall-to-wall".