Tuesday, March 10, 2009

some A-topical topix or Poor Us

Yes, I think it is possible for this to be a casual a-topical (without topic) blog... thinking of topics has actually been getting me down lately. Too much pressure. Let's just share some thoughts and organize them later. BUT if topical-izing is the way you ruminate (or bloginate) on things, then forget everything I'm writing right now.

Some thoughts during fitcore today:

a. I want to make a piece where the dancers wear headset mics. When I was listening to the fitness instructor today, I realized it is very easy to imagine you're at Sea World or those museums with indoor dolphin pools when you hear someone speak into one of those things.

b. There's an oldish woman who comes to this class a lot who always moves her lips during the exercises. It kind of looks like she's counting but if you look closely, she's definitely saying numbers out of numerical order (ie 5, 2, 8, 4). She also does those little hand embellishments that one of your teachers does sometimes.

3. I want to make another piece called "Poor Us" and the first section is going to be called "This is Bullshit."

4. I saw that guy Emmett in the library today. The guy Ruth used to date. I immediately remembered how he had the best/wierdest semi-pick-up line ever which was: "So... I get my braces off on Tuesday." (remember? I hope Emmett never reads this.)

1 comment:

Annie said...

I think I laughed all the way to grandma's house about the pickup line. truly legendary.