New York keeps kicking me in the face. And people keep dyin'! What's the deal, Universe? Quit it already.
Last night I got half-way mugged. I don't mind telling you about it through this blog because I want to think of it as not a big deal at all. I'm not hurt. He didn't take everything. I was walking back to Merc's around 12:30 after meeting Emily for a drink at a place in the neighborhood. I was walking down this semi-busy, beautiful-cosby-brownstone-apartment lined street (this hood is almost disgustingly cute and perfect) and this teenager came up to me with his t-shirt covering half of his face and his other hand underneath his shirt. He basically just told me to give him all my money and threatened me but I can't remember what he said he would do. I was immediately petrified. I threw all of my cash at him (which was kind of a lot.. I only really spend my cash tips) he grabs most of it (that was the part that really confused me) and bolts. Then I was left shaking and feeling totally stupid for giving my money to a stupid kid who probably wasn't going to do anything to me.
So anyway, this is proof that this summer may have been one of those bottom-of-the-barrel-not-too-awesome summers. I didn't really relax that much and I was confronted with many reasons to freak out/lose my shit. It's kind of hilarious how all of this horrible stuff has happened consecutively in such a short period of time. That makes me feel like it's not me, it's something else in the air. So right now I'm just focusing on surviving this season of unfortunate events and moving on to a Fall of change. Change we can believe in (copyright B. O'Bombs).
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