Thursday, January 21, 2010


You can tell that the "Are you a Christian, son?" part was Cher and Marc's favorite (who could blame them?) because they sort of anticipated it and blurted the lines out a half second early.

You're good at video posts. I thought long and hard about one to respond with but nothing seemed good enough.

I'll share a dumb story with you instead. A few weeks ago as I was walking to job interview #167, my path was obstructed by a stream of fresh pee running down the sidewalk, coming from a man leaning against a building who may or may not have been awake. As I turned the corner a dog stopped right in front of me and did the same thing (he was definitely awake though). I should have taken this as a clear sign from the universe that I was not supposed to be interviewing for this job.

On a slightly gay-er note, do you remember in college when we left notes on each other's white erase boards and you would sign off as "FA"? Did I have one of those initials too? Something T? It was before the days of Tess Bear (BTB).


te$s said...

i don't feel too good about this post coming back to it a few days later.

Annie said...

i liked it! especially the part about cher and marc's favorite part of the song. you are totes right!