Thursday, March 3, 2011


i came home from work tonight and felt like starting a blog but then i was like F$#### that i already have one and LORD KNOWS i should just use what i have cuz i can't AFFORD to BUY a NEW one.

That statement sounds kind of cocky and retarded - cockily retarded - but I think about this a lot (always a good reason to say it out loud. if you've thought about it A LOT, it's GOTTA be worth somebody else's time.) and the thought has become less depressing and more inspiring lately. reusing and rearranging and reimagining what I have (tangible things and intangible things) to see them as new and different-er from before.

Take this blog, for example. With a few flicks of the wrist, it turns into tess'(s) deep dark diary. it could be annie's too with a couple more flicks and some flexion at the hip joint

okay, well glad i got this off my chest. Look at these dope lookin platforms. I think the seventies are here again. i'm so relieved. my glasses seem lesslike a mistake.

YEAH it's a style blog too. what?

1 comment:

Annie said...

i hear you. i'm ready 4 dis. srsly.

OMG the secret word i have to type in to prove i'm not a machine leaving this comment is TESSPLAT!