Sunday, January 10, 2010

What does HNY mean?

You know what might be even funnier than Dworman Stories? Imagining me typing those stories on my computer and not laughing at all. Not even smiling. But when Deb read them and could not contain herself, I also could not contain myself. That's weird.

You're right, I did very much like the Deb and dog shit story and laughed aloud when I read it. It's particularly hilarious that she specified it as "dog" shit. I don't know why.

I've looked at the pictures of your NYE party on Laura's blog about 7 times and I'm almost starting to imagine that I was there (the photographer did a really good job). You and Natalie looked particularly fabulous.

Speaking of, in an effort to be more fabulous I am trying to hate my hair less. I straightened my bangs yesterday and that worked. Today it's a little square-wig-hair looking though due to no washing.

On Wednesday, I'm going to show some dance and I'm planning to include the xmas video I made for Gweew........................I'll let you know how that goes.

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